700 Stripper Names

Across Two Continents men have united to catalogue the finest stripper names upon God's good Earth. Each member adds one name each day until the 700 mark is reached. (Please note that no whores/strippers were used in the creating of this list)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Number 515

Randy Lerner

Number 514

Sadie McKnickers

Number 513

Fantabulon, the Epic Tongue Master

Number 511 and 512

Protruding Phil and Digging Dan,
the Assclowns

Number 510

Jacques 'The Rock' Chirac

Alternately, Cock Chirac

Number 509

the Assquatch

Number 508

Ample Breast

Number 507

Frank, the Diesel Dick

Number 506

Cock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels

Number 505

The Cock Ness Monster

Number 504

Little Hoes on the Prairie

Number 503

Benjamin the Bean Grinder

Number 502

Callie Taurus

Number 501

Edward Wrinklenuts

Number 500

Colonel Angus

Number 499

Felunda Areola

Number 498

Anal Vice

Number 497

Pumpkin, the Peter-Eater

Number 496

Oranguwang, the Monkey Spanker

Number 495

Jill 'Stick a Cork In It' Butt