700 Stripper Names

Across Two Continents men have united to catalogue the finest stripper names upon God's good Earth. Each member adds one name each day until the 700 mark is reached. (Please note that no whores/strippers were used in the creating of this list)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Number 344

Andre Delafonte, Peddler of Seduction

Number 343

Smooth Johnson the Circumcised

Number 342

Meryl Streek

Number 341

Ace Flashhard

Number 340

Festus the Flamer

Number 339

George Breast

Number 338

Acrobatic Aleksy, formerly of the Russian Circus

Note: famed for invention of the "trampoline strip"

Number 337

Two-Tone Harry "The Skunk" Robertson

Number 336

Sandy Cinnamon

Number 335

Craggy Craig the Pock Marked Stripper

Number 334

Penny Trait

Number 333

Gaelic James